Earlier today, I spoke about how to pass a hair follicle test for drugs.  In writing that article, I skipped to update my content with a very important step by step overview of the most well known way to pass this sort of test -the Jerry G Method.  Today I’ll walk you through how to complete the Jerry G Method and show you why it’s become so popular.

Keep in mind, these types of methods are on the rise because Cannabis is becoming decriminalized.  It’s only a matter of time before medical and recreational marijuana is abundant in the greater Cleveland area.

How the Jerry G Method Works

Drug tests can be a hell especially if you are working in a company that regularly conducts them and you smoke marijuana regularly. Nearly every company in the U.S requires you to go through a drug test before you can join them. And if you are found guilty, you could easily lose your job. So what do you do if you want to save yourself from a drug test and you have very little time left until the next test? You try to beat the test.

There are many methods that help you beat drug tests, but since drug tests come in different flavors, the methods are different as well. Many companies require you to go through the urine drug test which is a simple test requiring you to submit a sample of your urine. This test can be easily beatable. But some companies take drug tests using the hair follicle method which is complicated to beat.

Thankfully, drug gurus have found ways to beat this test as well. There are currently two popular method to beat follicle drug tests namely the Jerry G method and the macujo method. Although both are quite effective, people tend to stay away from macujo because it is very expensive to pull.

For the Jerry G Method to work, you need to dye and bleach your hair and use a special shampoo to wash your hair. These products are easily available and don’t cost as much as the ingredients needed for the macujo. If you want to beat a hair follicle test with the Jerry G Method, you need to follow certain steps which have been listed below. But first things first, in order for any of these two tests to work, you need to quit the use of marijuana 10 days before the test. Once you’ve done that you can start with the method.

  • On the first day, dye your hair with a hair dye containing ammonia and bleach them
  • Next wash your hair with toxin wash shampoo
  • On the 10th day after first dye and bleach session, repeat the first step again
  • Wash your hair with shampoo
  • On the day of the test, apply paste of baking soda on your hair and let it rest for 10-15 minutes
  • Now wash your hair once again with toxin wash shampoo
  • Now finally wash your hair with zydot ultra clean shampoo to completely rid of any drug traces from your hair.

If you want a more graphic illustration of this process, follow this link – https://www.skincare.net/jerry-g-method-review/.  You’ll find an in-depth overview of how this works, as well as some pros and cons.

Becca Shaeffer


Becca Shaeffer is our resident health nut. An Ohio native, she loathes for the day she can quit her day job and move to somewhere warmer. When she's not at the gym, she's either hacking her way through skin treatments or thinking about her favorite cheat meal - thin crust pizza with anchovies and jalapenos.


About Author

Becca Shaeffer

Becca Shaeffer is our resident health nut. An Ohio native, she loathes for the day she can quit her day job and move to somewhere warmer. When she's not at the gym, she's either hacking her way through skin treatments or thinking about her favorite cheat meal - thin crust pizza with anchovies and jalapenos.

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